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General information

Name: nl.zorg.DOSScore NL.png
Version: 1.2
HCIM Status:Final
Release: 2024
Release status: Prepublished
Release date: 15-04-2024

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DCM::CoderList Werkgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens
DCM::ContactInformation.Address *
DCM::ContactInformation.Name *
DCM::ContactInformation.Telecom *
DCM::ContentAuthorList Werkgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens
DCM::CreationDate 11-10-2016
DCM::DescriptionLanguage nl
DCM::Id 2.16.840.1.113883.
DCM::KeywordList DOS, delier
DCM::LifecycleStatus Final
DCM::ModelerList Werkgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens
DCM::Name nl.zorg.DOSScore
DCM::PublicationDate 15-04-2024
DCM::PublicationStatus Prepublished
DCM::ReviewerList Projectgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens & Kerngroep Registratie aan de Bron
DCM::RevisionDate 17-07-2023
DCM::Supersedes nl.zorg.DOSScore-v1.1
DCM::Version 1.2
HCIM::PublicationLanguage EN

Revision History

Only available in Dutch

Publicatieversie 1.0 (04-09-2017)

Publicatieversie 1.1 (10-06-2022)

ZIB-1674 Terminologie codes ontbreken in de zib

Publicatieversie 1.2 (15-10-2023)

ZIB-1925 Tekstuele wijzigingen zib DOSScore
ZIB-1977 Hoe om te gaan met "-" in de waarnemingen voor DOSScore?
ZIB-1978 Definitie bepaling ZIB DOSScore niet consistent met modellering


The Delirium Observation Screening Scale is a tool to determine whether a patient has delirium. The DOSS includes 13 observations of behavior (verbal and non-verbal) which represent the symptoms of a delirium. These observations can be performed during regular contact with the patient.


Delirium is one of the most forms of psychopathology among elderly patients and patients in the last phase of their lives. The main characteristic of delirium is the rapid onset and changing of symptoms. The DOSS is meant to qualify and quantify the nature and seriousness of delirium symptoms. This enables a quick start of treatment. The DOSS is used to signal risks and as an evaluation tool.

Evidence Base

The DOSS contains 13 observations of behaviour (verbal and non-verbal) that reflect the symptoms of delirium. These observations can be made during regular contacts with the patient. A total score is calculated per shift (minimum 0 and maximum 13). The total scores of three shifts (day, late and night shift) are added up to the total score of this day (minimum 0 and maximum 39). This HCIM defines the total score and underlying scores of one shift.

For a DOS scale final score, 3 instances of this HCIM, one for each shift, will have to be combined (DOS SCALE FINAL SCORE = TOTAL SCORE THIS DAY / 3). A DOS scale final score < 3 means that the patient is unlikely to be delirious. A DOS scale final score > 3 means the patient is likely to be delirious. DOS SCALE FINAL SCORE is not part of this concept and can be derived or calculated from the 3 HCIM instances.

Information Model


Type Id Concept Card. Definition DefinitionCode Reference
Block.png NL-CM:18.7.1 Arrowdown.pngDOSScore Root concept of the DOSScore information model. This root concept contains all data elements of the DOSScore information model.
160591000146109 Delirium observation screening assessment scale
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.3 Arrowright.pngDOSScoreTotal 0..1 The total score for this shift (minimum 0 and maximum 13).
55681000146102 Delirium observation score
TS.png NL-CM:18.7.5 Arrowright.pngDOSScoreDateTime 1 The date on which the DOS score is registered.
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.6 Arrowright.pngDozesOff 0..1 DOS observation: patient dozes off during conversation or activities.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007006 DOSScore DozesOff
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.7 Arrowright.pngEasilyDistracted 0..1 DOS observation: patient is easily distracted by stimuli from the environment.

Someone is easily distracted by stimuli from the environment when he/she responds verbally or non-verbally to sounds or movements that have no relation to him/her and the nature of which does not make you expect a reaction from him/her.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007007 DOSScore EasilyDistracted
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.8 Arrowright.pngMaintainsAttention 0..1 DOS observation: patient maintains attention to conversation or action.

Someone is maintaining attention to a conversation or action if he/she verbally or non-verbally shows that they are following the conversation or action.

Score: 1: never 0: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007008 DOSScore MaintainsAttention
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.9 Arrowright.pngUnfinishedQuestionAnswer 0..1 DOS observation: patient does not finish question or answer.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007009 DOSScore UnfinishedQuestionAnswer
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.10 Arrowright.pngAnswersNoFit 0..1 DOS observation: patient gives answers that do not fit the question.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007010 DOSScore AnswersNoFit
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.11 Arrowright.pngReactsSlowly 0..1 DOS observation: patient reacts slowly to instructions.

Someone reacts slowly to instructions when acting is delayed and/or there are moments of stillness/inactivity before moving into action.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007011 DOSScore ReactsSlowly
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.12 Arrowright.pngThinksSomewhereElse 0..1 DOS observation: patient thinks they are somewhere else.

Someone thinks they are somewhere else when he/she shows this in words or actions.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007012 DOSScore ThinksSomewhereElse
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.13 Arrowright.pngKnowsPartDay 0..1 DOS observation: patient knows which part of the day it is.

Someone knows what part of the day it is when he/she shows such in words or actions.

Score: 1: never 0: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007013 DOSScore KnowsPartDay
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.14 Arrowright.pngRemembersRecent 0..1 DOS observation: patient remembers recent events.

Someone remembers recent events when he/she can for example tell whether they had visitors or what he/she ate.

Score: 1: never 0: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007014 DOSScore RemembersRecent
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.15 Arrowright.pngRestless 0..1 DOS observation: patient is picking, disorderly, restless.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007015 DOSScore Restless
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.16 Arrowright.pngPullsWires 0..1 DOS observation: patient pulls IV tubing, feeding tubes, catheters, etc.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007016 DOSScore PullsWires
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.17 Arrowright.pngEasilyEmotional 0..1 DOS observation: patient is easily or suddenly emotional.

Someone is easily or suddenly emotional when he/she responds with a fierce emotion without provocation or when the fierceness of the emotion does not seem to match the provocation.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007017 DOSScore EasilyEmotional
INT.png NL-CM:18.7.18 Arrowright.pngHallucinations 0..1 DOS observation: patient sees/hears things which are not there.

Someone sees/hears things which are not there when he/she shows this verbally (ask!) or non-verbally.

Score: 0: never 1: sometimes-always (is the answer "don't know" then don't instantiate this concept)

18007018 DOSScore Hallucinations
ST.png NL-CM:18.7.2 Arrowright.pngComment 0..1 Comment on the DOS score.
48767-8 Annotation comment [Interpretation] Narrative

Columns Concept and DefinitionCode: hover over the values for more information
For explanation of the symbols, please see the legend page List2.png

Example Instances

Only available in Dutch

ZaktWeg 1
SnelAfgeleid 1
HeeftAandacht 0
VraagAntwoordNietAf -
AntwoordenNietPassend 1
ReageertTraag -
DenktErgensAnders 0
BeseftDagdeel 0
HerinnertRecent 0
Rusteloos 0
TrektDraden 0
SnelGeemotioneerd 1
Hallucinaties 0
DOSScoreTotaal 4
DOSScoreDatumTijd 19-12-2016 10:35
Toelichting -


1. DOS vragenlijst. Beschikbaar op: [Geraadpleegd: 11 juli 2023]. 2. Richtlijn Delier Volwassenen. Beschikbaar op: [Geraadpleegd: 11 juli 2023].

This information model in other releases

Information model references

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Technical specifications in HL7v3 CDA and HL7 FHIR

To exchange information based on health and care information models, additional, more technical specifications are required.<BR> Not every environment can handle the same technical specifications. For this reason, there are several types of technical specifications:

  • HL7® version 3 CDA compatible specifications, available through the Nictiz ART-DECOR® environment Artdecor.jpg
  • HL7® FHIR® compatible specifications, available through the Nictiz environment on the Simplifier FHIR Fhir.png


This information model is also available as pdf file PDF.png or as spreadsheet Xlsx.png

About this information

The information in this wikipage is based on Prerelease 2024-1
SNOMED CT and LOINC codes are based on:

  • SNOMED Clinical Terms versie: 20240331 [R] (maart 2024-editie)
  • LOINC version 2.77

Conditions for use are located on the mainpage List2.png
This page is generated on 25/04/2024 12:22:02 with ZibExtraction v. 9.3.8880.19756

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