HCIM Templates

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Versie door Albert-Jan Spruyt (overleg | bijdragen) op 5 jul 2024 om 16:41 (Available templates)
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Templates for HCIM's


As of publication 2020, templates will be used for the development of new Heath and Care Clinical Information Models (HCIMs), where possible. A template describes the information about a group of clinical concepts in a generic way. In order to describe a more complete single clinical concept more information needs to be added to the template. This complete description of the information about the clinical concept is done in so-called single HCIMs, which are derived from the template. By using the template as a 'design pattern' for globally comparable clinical concepts, it is achieved that the design of the various HCIMs is mutually more consistent and the mapping of these HCIMs to (generic) implementation models is simplified.
More information about templates for HCIM's can also be found in “Wanneer wel of niet zibs en relatie met implementaties van zibs” (in Dutch).   

Publication of templates for HCIM's

Templates for HCIMs will not be part of HCIM (pre-)releases but will be published separately on this page. However, for practical reasons the choice can be made to publish templates simultaneously with a (pre)release of HCIMs. This is the case, for example, with HCIM Release-2020.
For the process of maintaining templates for HCIM's, the process of maintaining the HCIM's is followed, see https://www.nictiz.nl/standaardisatie/zib-centrum/beheerprocess-zibs/ (in Dutch).
This means, among other things, that change requests on templates for HCIM's can be submitted in BITS and that the further processing (intake, analysis, etc.) proceeds in the same way as with the HCIM's.
However, regarding templates for HCIM's, the following additional / deviating agreements do apply to HCIM's:

  • The template wiki page names will not contain years.
  • The template wiki pages will also have English versions.
  • Templates for HCIM's have been versioned.
  • Templates have an OID under the template root OID 2.16.840.1.113883.
  • Because the meaning of the elements of the template only becomes clear in the HCIM's derived from the template, the element IDs may not be reused in other HCIM's or in information standards. If this were to happen, the identifiers would refer to a multitude of clinical concepts and thus lose their value as identifiers.
  • The name prefix of templates is “nl.zorg.template”
  • The English name for template is "template".
  • Single HCIM's, which are derived from a template for HCIM's, state the template name and version from which they are derived in the HCIM section "Traceability to other Standards".
  • Templates for HCIM's are not exported to ArtDecor.

Sections of a template for HCIM's

Although the same format is used for the templates as for HCIM, the templates contain fewer (mandatory) sections.
The following sections are used in the templates for HCIM:

Template section Cardinality
Revision History 1
Concept 1
Mindmap 0
Purpose 1
Patient Population 0
Evidence Base 0..1
Information Model 1
Example Instances 0..1
Instructions 0
Interpretation 0
Care Proces 0
Example of the Instrument 0
Constraints 0
Issues 0..1
References 0..1
Functional Model 0
Traceability to other Standards 0
Disclaimer 1
Terms of Use 1
Copyrights 1

Information Model of a template for HCIM's

The same rules are applied to both modelling of templates for HCIMs as to modelling HCIMs. As a template however, templates for HCIMs only give shape to the design of HCIM and therefore deviate from HCIMs as follows:

  • Terminology links of elements are in principle not possible at template level, unless a data element from the template is always used unchanged in the single HCIM derived from the template.
  • Template data elements for HCIMs do not generally have example (DCM :: Example) values.
  • Code lists of templates for HCIMs are present but may be empty. If they are filled, they will almost always have the bond strength "Example".
  • Root concepts of templates for HCIMs have a modified standard text in which the word HCIM is replaced by "template".
  • "Placeholder" element names or name parts (which may therefore be replaced in a single HCIM, which is derived from the template) are indicated as "[ReplaceableName]".

Available templates