- 1 General information
- 2 Metadata
- 3 Revision History
- 4 Concept
- 5 Purpose
- 6 Evidence Base
- 7 Information Model
- 8 Example Instances
- 9 Instructions
- 10 References
- 11 Valuesets
- 12 This information model in other releases
- 13 Information model references
- 14 Technical specifications in HL7v3 CDA and HL7 FHIR
- 16 About this information
General information
Name: nl.zorg.LegalSituation
Version: 4.0
HCIM Status:Final
Release: 2023
Release status: Prepublished
Release date: 15-10-2023
DCM::CoderList | Werkgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens |
DCM::ContactInformation.Address | * |
DCM::ContactInformation.Name | * |
DCM::ContactInformation.Telecom | * |
DCM::ContentAuthorList | |
DCM::CreationDate | 20-4-2018 |
DCM::DeprecatedDate | |
DCM::DescriptionLanguage | nl |
DCM::EndorsingAuthority.Address | |
DCM::EndorsingAuthority.Name | PM |
DCM::EndorsingAuthority.Telecom | |
DCM::Id | 2.16.840.1.113883. |
DCM::KeywordList | Juridische status, wettelijke vertegenwoordiger, voogdij |
DCM::LifecycleStatus | Final |
DCM::ModelerList | |
DCM::Name | nl.zorg.JuridischeSituatie |
DCM::PublicationDate | 15-10-2023 |
DCM::PublicationStatus | Prepublished |
DCM::ReviewerList | Projectgroep RadB Verpleegkundige Gegevens & Kerngroep Registratie aan de Bron |
DCM::RevisionDate | 19-09-2023 |
DCM::Supersedes | nl.zorg.JuridischeSituatie-v3.1 |
DCM::Version | 4.0 |
HCIM::PublicationLanguage | EN |
Revision History
Only available in Dutch
Publicatieversie 1.0 (26-02-2019)
ZIB-670 | Graag afzonderlijke zib maken van data element juridische status |
Publicatieversie 2.0 (01-09-2020)
ZIB-1127 | Codelijst JuridischeStatus is achterhaald |
ZIB-1136 | zib vrijheidsbeperkende maatregelen en zib juridische situatie |
Publicatieversie 3.0 (01-12-2021)
ZIB-1357 | zib Juridische situatie (2020) |
ZIB-1480 | juridische situatie; toevoeging waardenlijst vertegenwoordiging |
ZIB-1504 | Uitsplitsen IBS voor GGZ crisisdiensten |
Publicatieversie 3.1 (10-06-2022)
ZIB-1379 | zib JuridischeSituatie; codering van concept "Vertegenwoordiging" |
ZIB-1613 | LegalSituation Concept omschrijving verbetering |
Publicatieversie 4.0 (15-10-2023)
ZIB-2099 | Aanpassen VertegenwoordigingCodelijst zib JurdischeSituatie |
A legal situation can concern a legal status and/or representation.
The legal status indicates the basis on which the patient is staying in a healthcare organization. This can be either voluntary or involuntary, however the legal status is always determined by a judge.
Representation is important in situations where a person is legally not competent to give permission and/or factually (partly) incapable of doing so. A representative supports and takes decisions in the interest of the representee when they cannot do so themselves (temporarily or permanently).
Health professionals must be aware of the existence of a legal status or representation because this in part determines what type of care can be provided to the patient. For example, a supporting legal status can be required for using freedom restricting interventions. For a mentally incompetent patient, it must be clear that there is a representative for further decision-making: in this case, the health professional should follow the decision of the representative of the mentally incompetent patient, unless this is incompatible with the care of a good health professional.
Evidence Base
In version 2.0, the new legal statuses resulting from the new legislation on involuntary / compulsory care have been added to the LegalStatus value list. In version 1.0 this list was based on the Vektis value list LegalStatus. However, this list is no longer maintained. That is why the value lists in the new version are based on an internal Nictiz codesystem.
Information Model

Type | Id | Concept | Card. | Definition | DefinitionCode | Reference | ||||||||
![]() |
NL-CM:7.17.1 | ![]() |
Root concept of the LegalSituation information model. This root concept contains all data elements of the LegalSituation information model. | |||||||||||
![]() |
NL-CM:7.17.2 | ![]() |
(0..1) | The legal status that applies to the patient. The legal status indicates the basis on which the patient is staying in a healthcare organization. This can be either voluntary or involuntary, however the legal status is always determined by a judge. A patient can also receive healthcare based on a forensic status. |
| ||||||||
![]() |
NL-CM:7.17.5 | ![]() |
(0..1) | In some situations, a person is legally not competent to give permission and/or factually (partly) incapable of doing so. A representative supports and takes decisions in the interest of the representee when they cannot do so themselves (temporarily or permanently). The representative should involve the patient as much as possible in the fulfillment of their tasks and the factual capability of the patient must be honored as much as possible. The Wgbo (Dutch law) determines who are able to become representatives as well as an enforced order. |
| ||||||||
![]() |
NL-CM:7.17.3 | ![]() |
0..1 | The date on which the legal situation of the patient starts. | ||||||||||
![]() |
NL-CM:7.17.4 | ![]() |
0..1 | The date on which the legal situation of the patient ends. |
Columns Concept and DefinitionCode: hover over the values for more information
For explanation of the symbols, please see the legend page
Example Instances
Only available in Dutch
JuridischeSituatie | |
JuridischeStatus | Onder toezichtstelling (ots) |
DatumAanvang | 01-01-2018 |
DatumEinde | 01-01-2020 |
Vertegenwoordiging |
In case of an intervention, a distinction is made between seclusion and separation. For the purpose of unambiguous recording, the following definitions are used:
Seclusion is the confinement of a patient for care, nursing and treatment in a specially designated seclusion room. A seclusion room is generally a bare single room with only a bed, sometimes with a table, a chair, a wardrobe and occasionally washing facilities. Seclusion may not take place in the "own" bedroom.
Separation is the confinement of a patient in a specially designated enclosed space that has been approved as a separation residence; for several years now the term Extra Secure Room (EBK) has been used for this. The separation space is a specially equipped room, with a mattress or riveted bed and mostly without furniture. Separation should be applied with great caution. The risks of harmful side effects of separation, such as anxiety and stress, are significant. Also in the context of safety, separation should be avoided as much as possible and alternatives should be sought to avert the danger.
1. Handreiking Argus [Online] Beschikbaar op: [Geraadpleegd: 12 mei 2020] 2. Handreiking "Vrijheidsbeperking in het ziekenhuis? Nee, tenzij…" (V&VN, 2013) [Online] Beschikbaar op:</a [Geraadpleegd: 12 mei 2020] 3. Wet verplichte GGZ (Wvggz) [Online] Beschikbaar op: [Geraadpleegd: 12 mei 2020] 4. Wet zorg en dwang (Wzd) [Online] Beschikbar op: [Geraadpleegd: 12 mei 2020] 5. Wet zorg en dwang psychogeriatrische en verstandelijk gehandicapte cliënten [Online] op: [Geraadpleegd: 12 mei 2020] 6: Regeling verplichte geestelijke gezondheidszorg [Online] op: [Geraadpleegd: 12 mei 2020] 7. Basisset Medisch Specialistische Zorg 2020, hoofdstuk 8.4 Vrijheidsbeperkende interventie (VBI) [Online] op: [Geraadpleegd: 12 mei 2020]
Valueset OID: 2.16.840.1.113883. | Binding: Required |
Conceptname | Conceptcode | Codesystem name | Codesystem OID | Description |
Onder toezichtstelling (ots) | OTS | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Onder toezichtstelling (ots) |
Plaatsing in een inrichting voor jeugdigen (PIJ-maatregel) | PIJ | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Plaatsing in een inrichting voor jeugdigen (PIJ-maatregel) |
Tbs: ter beschikking stelling van de regering (tbs) | TBS | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Tbs: ter beschikking stelling van de regering (tbs) |
Besluit tot opname en verblijf | OPM | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Besluit tot opname en verblijf |
Rechterlijke machtiging | RM | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Rechterlijke machtiging |
Voortgezette machtiging | VM | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Voortgezette machtiging |
Beschikking tot inbewaringstelling (ibs) | IBS | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Beschikking tot inbewaringstelling (ibs) |
Beschikking tot WZD opname in psychogeriatrische instelling | IBS-PG | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Beschikking tot WZD opname in PsychGeriatrische instelling |
Beschikking tot WZD opname in een instelling voor verstandelijk gehandicapten | IBS-VG | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Beschikking tot WZD opname in een instelling voor Verstandelijk Gehandicapten |
Voorwaardelijke machtiging voor jongvolwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking (VMM) | VMM | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Voorwaardelijke machtiging voor jongvolwassenen met een verstandelijke beperking (VMM) |
Zorgmachtiging | ZM | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Zorgmachtiging |
Crisismaatregel | CM | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Crisismaatregel |
Machtiging tot voortzetting van de crisismaatregel | VCM | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Machtiging tot voortzetting van de crisismaatregel |
Voorlopige onder toezichtstelling | VOTS | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Voorlopige onder toezichtstelling |
Tijdelijke verplichte zorg in een noodsituatie/onvoorziene situatie waarin de zorgmachtiging of crisismaatregel niet voorziet | NOOD | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Tijdelijke verplichte zorg in een noodsituatie/onvoorziene situatie waarin de zorgmachtiging of crisismaatregel niet voorziet |
Tijdelijke verplichte zorg voorafgaand aan een crisismaatregel | TEMP | JuridischeStatus | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Tijdelijke verplichte zorg voorafgaand aan een crisismaatregel |
Valueset OID: 2.16.840.1.113883. | Binding: Required |
Conceptname | Conceptcode | Codesystem name | Codesystem OID | Description |
Custody | 6 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Voogdij |
Property and financial affairs deputyship | 7 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Bewindvoering |
Personal welfare deputyship | 8 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Mentorschap |
Legal guardianship | 9 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Onder curatele stelling |
Agency of necessity | 10 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Zaakwaarneming |
Health care power of attorney | 20 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Volmacht zorg en behandeling (benoemd in schriftelijke verklaring) |
Vertegenwoordiging op basis van relatie [DEPRECATED] | 21 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Vertegenwoordiging op basis van relatie |
Financial power of attorney | 22 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Volmacht financieel (benoemd in schriftelijke verklaring) |
Representation in case of mental incapacity | 30 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Vertegenwoordiging bij wilsombekwaamheid |
Legal representation based on parental authority | 25 | JuridischeVertegenwoordiging | 2.16.840.1.113883. | Wettelijke vertegenwoordiging op basis van ouderlijk gezag |
This information model in other releases
- Prerelease 2018-2, (Version 1.0)
- Prerelease 2019-2, (Version 1.0)
- Release 2020, (Version 2.0)
- Prerelease 2021-2, (Version 3.0)
- Prerelease 2022-1, (Version 3.1)
- Prerelease 2024-1, (Version 5.0)
Information model references
This information model refers to
- --
This information model is used in
Technical specifications in HL7v3 CDA and HL7 FHIR
To exchange information based on health and care information models, additional, more technical specifications are required.
Not every environment can handle the same technical specifications. For this reason, there are several types of technical specifications:
- HL7® version 3 CDA compatible specifications, available through the Nictiz ART-DECOR® environment
- HL7® FHIR® compatible specifications, available through the Nictiz environment on the Simplifier FHIR
This information model is also available as pdf file or as spreadsheet
About this information
The information in this wikipage is based on Prerelease 2023-1
SNOMED CT and LOINC codes are based on:
- SNOMED Clinical Terms versie: 20230930 [R] (september 2023-editie)
- LOINC version 2.76
Conditions for use are located on the mainpage
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