OrderData-v1.0.1(2023EN): verschil tussen versies

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Versie van 27 okt 2023 om 08:36

Attention!! This is not the most recent version of this information model. You can find the most recent version ''here''.

General information

Name: nl.zorg.process.OrderData NL.png
Version: 1.0.1
HCIM Status:Final
Release: 2023
Release status: Prepublished
Release date: 15-10-2023

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DCM::ContactInformation.Address *
DCM::ContactInformation.Name *
DCM::ContactInformation.Telecom *
DCM::CreationDate 10-12-2024
DCM::DescriptionLanguage nl
DCM::EndorsingAuthority.Name PM
DCM::Id 2.16.840.1.113883.
DCM::LifecycleStatus Final
DCM::Name nl.zorg.process.AanvraagGegevens
DCM::PublicationDate 15-10-2023
DCM::PublicationStatus Prepublished
DCM::RevisionDate 18-07-2023
DCM::Supersedes nl.zorg.process.AanvraagGegevens-v1.0
DCM::Version 1.0.1
HCIM::PublicationLanguage EN

Revision History

Only available in Dutch

Publicatieversie 1.0 (10-06-2022)

Publicatieversie 1.0.1 (15-10-2023)

ZIB-1956 Engelse vertaling op 2 velden in Aanvraaggegevens/OrderData klopt niet


Actions - diagnostic and therapeutic procedures, measurements, laboratory tests, etc. - performed by third parties are generally initiated by a request to the performer. 
This creates data that are important for the implementation of the action, but which are not part of the action or the result of the action.


OrderData gives the requested action the context necessary for performing the action and reporting the action's outcome and state.

Information Model


Type Id Concept Card. Definition DefinitionCode Reference
Block.png NL-CM:22.2.1 Arrowdown.pngOrderData Root concept of the OrderData process data information model.This root concept contains all data elements of the OrderData process data information model.
TS.png NL-CM:22.2.2 Arrowright.pngOrderDateTime 1 Date and if relevant time when the order is made.
II.png NL-CM:22.2.3 Arrowright.pngOrderId 1 Order identification number.
AA2.png tbd
Verwijzing.png NL-CM:22.2.4 Arrowright.pngRequester::HealthProfessional 1 The person who ordered the action (procedure, test, etc.).
Block.png HealthProfessional
ST.png NL-CM:22.2.5 Arrowright.pngOrderReason 0..1 Context of the order, which is relevant for the execution.
ST.png NL-CM:22.2.6 Arrowright.pngClinicalQuestion 0..1 Description of the question to which the requester hopes to receive an answer. This is especially important for actions whose outcome requires interpretation from the performer.
CD.png NL-CM:22.2.7 Arrowright.pngStatus 1 Status of the order in the ordering process, such as e.g. 'requested', 'planned', 'completed'
List2.png StatusCodelist
ST.png NL-CM:22.2.8 Arrowright.pngComment 0..1 Additional information that is important for the execution of the order and which cannot be described in any of the other elements.
48767-8 Annotation comment [Interpretation] Narrative

Columns Concept and DefinitionCode: hover over the values for more information
For explanation of the symbols, please see the legend page List2.png

Example Instances

Only available in Dutch

Aanvraagnummer 12388778
AanvraagDatumTijd 01-06-2022 14:07
Status Aangevraagd
Aanvrager : Zorgverlener
ZorgverlenerIdentificatieNummer 21870932
ZorgverlenerRol Hoofdbehandelaar
Specialisme Neuroloog
Initialen J.H.R.
Geslachtsnaam Peters
Straat Simon Smitweg
Huisnummer 1
Woonplaats Leiderdorp
Postcode 2353 GA
AdresSoort Werkadres
Land Nederland

Assigning authorities

The identifying numbers are issued by the following authorities


Identifying number ID system OID
tbd OID: tbd



Valueset OID: 2.16.840.1.113883. Binding: Extensible
Conceptname Conceptcode Codesystem name Codesystem OID Description
Ordered new ActStatus 2.16.840.1.113883.5.14 Order geplaatst
Requested 385644000 SNOMED CT 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 Aangevraagd
Planned 397943006 SNOMED CT 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 Gepland
Pending active ActStatus 2.16.840.1.113883.5.14 In afwachting van uitvoering
In progress 385651009 SNOMED CT 2.16.840.1.113883.6.96 In uitvoering
On hold held ActStatus 2.16.840.1.113883.5.14 Opgeschort
Cancelled cancelled ActStatus 2.16.840.1.113883.5.14 Geannuleerd
Noshow aborted ActStatus 2.16.840.1.113883.5.14 Niet nagekomen
Completed completed ActStatus 2.16.840.1.113883.5.14 Uitgevoerd

This information model in other releases

Information model references

This information model refers to

This information model is used in


Technical specifications in HL7v3 CDA and HL7 FHIR

To exchange information based on health and care information models, additional, more technical specifications are required.<BR> Not every environment can handle the same technical specifications. For this reason, there are several types of technical specifications:

  • HL7® version 3 CDA compatible specifications, available through the Nictiz ART-DECOR® environment Artdecor.jpg
  • HL7® FHIR® compatible specifications, available through the Nictiz environment on the Simplifier FHIR Fhir.png


This information model is also available as pdf file PDF.png or as spreadsheet Xlsx.png

About this information

The information in this wikipage is based on Prerelease 2023-1
SNOMED CT and LOINC codes are based on:

  • SNOMED Clinical Terms versie: 20230930 [R] (september 2023-editie)
  • LOINC version 2.76

Conditions for use are located on the mainpage List2.png
This page is generated on 27/10/2023 09:35:22 with ZibExtraction v. 9.0.8682.20490

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